Professional association VdDP
Verband der Deutschen Polstermöbelindustrie e.V.

The Verband der Deutschen Polstermöbelindustrie e. V. (Association of the German Upholstered Furniture Industry) is a nationwide trade association in which the leading manufacturers in the upholstered furniture industry are organised. For the member companies in North Rhine-Westphalia, the Association of the German Upholstered Furniture Industry also acts as a collective bargaining association and in this capacity negotiates industry collective agreements with IG Metall. Also for the member companies in North Rhine-Westphalia, there is comprehensive labour and social law support, which includes both the conduct of individual proceedings and support in the field of collective labour law.
Throughout Germany, Verband der Deutschen Polstermöbelindustrie e. V., is responsible for representing the interests of upholstered furniture manufacturers in their specific sectors. In addition, it also organises services nationwide, in particular the collection of sector-specific and association-internal statistics on the upholstered furniture industry.
Verband der Deutschen Polstermöbelindustrie e.V. (VdDP)
Goebenstraße 4-10
32052 Herford
Tel.: +49 (0) 5221 - 12650
Fax: +49 (0) 5221 - 126565