Verband der Holzindustrie und Kunststoffverarbeitung Baden-Württemberg e.V.


Regional association

Verband der Holzindustrie und Kunststoffverarbeitung Baden-Württemberg e.V.

VHK - Logo

In the course of the constantly changing market conditions and the associated new challenges on the part of the member companies, the association's offer also changed. The organisation, once conceived as a representation of interests, has now become a genuine service provider. Legal support, representation in court under labour law, business management advice, mediation of offers and enquiries, regular training courses for company employees and much more have been part of the association's standard portfolio ever since. In the course of the new appointment of the managing director in 2010, the executive board designed an economically consistent and powerful solution. In cooperation with the Industrieverbänden Neustadt an der Weinstraße e.V. and the Verband der holz- und kunststoffverarbeitenden Industrie Rheinland-Pfalz e.V., a concept was developed which releases all synergies of the participating organisations and at the same time makes optimum use of the available resources.


Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 11-13
67433 Neustadt a.d. Weinstraße
Tel.: 06321 - 8520
Fax: 06321 - 88955