Working-group export


Working-group export

Export working group of the furniture industry

The Export Working Group was founded in 2018 by Verband der Deutschen Möbelindustrie e. V., VDM, ( Association of the German Furniture Industry) with the aim of developing and implementing concrete measures to intensify the export activities of the German furniture industry. In addition to VDM employees, participants in the working group include representatives of companies from the furniture industry, representatives of VDM member associations, trade media and Koelnmesse. The working group serves the exchange of information between the individual manufacturers, defines the key markets and coordinates the entire export and trade fair activities of the sector. The know-how on the individual export markets is conveyed to furniture manufacturers in a targeted manner within the framework of information days and workshops. At the same time, practical working aids are made available for the successful involvement of German furniture manufacturers abroad. In 2019, the participants set China, the USA, Russia and Scandinavia as target regions for the export strategy. In this context, it was decided that the VDM office should now centrally aggregate market-relevant information on the target regions.