About VDM
About VDM
The Association of the German Furniture Industry (Verband der Deutschen Möbelindustrie, VDM) is the central association representing the economic, political, legal and technical interests of currently around 400 German furniture manufacturers, organised in professional and regional associations, at national and international level in close exchange with its members, industry-relevant institutions and the European umbrella organisation EFIC. The main task of the VDM is to safeguard and represent the economic, political and technical interests of the German timber and furniture industry vis-à-vis politicians, trade unions and the general public. The associations maintain international contacts and exchange information with European trade associations, for example on collective bargaining law. Further focal points of the association's work are technology, press and public relations. The HDH/VDM is represented by a capital office in Berlin. This intensifies the political work and representation of the interests of our industry.